
  • Bugis Journal
    Vol 2 No 2 (2024)

  • Bugis Journal
    Vol 3 No 4 (2024)

    Terima kasih kepada STIEM Bongaya, Universitas Pamulang dan IAIN Metro Lampung dalam mempercayakan Naskah terbaiknya kepada kami.

  • Bugis Journal Volume 1 No. 2, April 2023.

    The second number of the first volume of the Bugis Journal, the Editorial Team would like to thank all the authors from various universities (STIE Nusantara, Lakidende University, Takalar Agricultural Technology Institute and STIEM Bongaya) for their trust in publishing their scientific articles in Volume 1,No. 2, April 2023 .

    Hopefully in the future the editorial of the Journal of Business, Technology, & Social Science (Bugis) will be even better.






  • Bugis Journal
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    Terima kasih kepada Universitas Islam Makassar, Universitas Fajar, STIEM Bongaya, STIE LPI dan Civitas Akademik yang telah berpartisipasi dalam Jurnal ini.

  • Bugis Journal
    Vol 2 No 3 (2024)

    Terimakasih kepada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmy Ekonomi dan Manajemen Bongaya Makassar, Universitas Wirabhakti Makassar dan Universitas Hasanuddin atas sumbangsih artikel yang diberikan.

  • Bugis Journal Volume 1 No. 1, Januari 2023.
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    The first volume, as well as the first number for the issue of the Journal of Business, Technology, & Social Science (Bugis). The Board of Editors would like to thank all contributors (writers), bestari partners, and also the Digital Business Study Program for their support in initiating the Bugis Journal. In this inaugural edition, the Bugis Journal presents academic writers both from within and outside the Nitro Institute of Business and Finance.


  • Bugis Journal
    Vol 1 No 3 (2023)

    Terima kasih kepada STIEM Bongaya, Institut Teknologi Amanna Gappa
    dan seluruh Civitas akademika yang telah mempercayakan kepada BUGIS Journal.